Geht's Noch?! Kayas Woche
Every Friday, Kaya takes a sharp look at that week’s highlights. Whether it was the Eurovision Song Contest, the Facebook and YouTube ban in Turkey, the latest from the Ukraine or the conclusion of the Bachelor finale – Kaya is always ready to offer his take on it. But the comedian not only focuses on on-screen curiosities. He also tenaciously searches the Internet and dug through postings on social networking sites. Only the best stories will be featured in the show. The format covers the entire entertainment spectrum, with celebrity guests playing along and joining the host in much of the action.
Tapings always takes place in the week before the broadcast. The show aired on Fridays at 11 p.m. on RTL. With audience ratings of up to 18.5%.
- Timeslot: FRI 11:00 PM
- Genre: Comedy
- Duration: 45 min (net)
- Produced: 2014 - 2015
- www.rtl.de
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